Ndikelionwu, Facts and Fictions

Lord Okoli Ijeoma of Ndikelionwu

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Okoli Ijeoma
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History About Ndikelionwu


The legend of all times, HRH Okoli Ijeoma, who succeeded his father Ijeoma Ike as his first son and the heir to the throne as king of Ndikelionwu.

 He was a fearless war lord ruling over the entire town in now known Anambra state from 1856 until the British conquest of the heartland in 1896.


Story has is that Okoli Ijeoma is immortal, fearless and defiant."No blade can pierce his skin". He could predict the future; many of his subjects rely on him for their protections. He was sought as far away by Awkuzu (1885), and Achalla (1889) which were beleaguered then.


Ose Okwudu at Onitsha derived its name from Okwudu Ocha, Okoli's flutist, who the story goes spent seven days on that location employing all possible device with his flute to goad his master to proceed on his self assigned attempt to lock horns with an allegedly powerful Oba N'Iduu. The River Niger constituted to an unanticipated impregnable barrier forcing Okoli Ijeoma to return home with his mission unaccomplished.



Okoli Ijeoma lived in a two storey house in Umuochu Village around 18th century, built with local material and held a law court in a circular building (Ogbagburugburu) which was an architectural masterpiece and first during his time.



HRH Nnama of Nibo was the deputy chief judge of legendary "Omenuko" court headed by HRH Okoli Ijeoma. Both of them became friends and in-laws




Okoli Ijeoma was at the peak of his power when the British where trying to consolidate their holding on eastern Nigeria. Nibo was the first town to capitulate to British army.HRH Nnama sent an emissary to Okoli Ijeoma briefing him how mighty strength and arsenal the British battalion has got. And that Nibo war council has decided not to wage a futile war but to surrender. Okoli sent a "flag-staff" message to his friend wishing him well but vowed that he rather die than be ruled by any other king; white, red or black. He kept preparing for war. After the bloody massacre of Agulu town warrior, Okoli Ijeoma, an immortal war lord still fiercely fought the British, he successfully held out against them, but he only could reign for a year.  Then British split

Ndikelionwu into two; Umuochu and Ndikelionwu. After he won them at Ikpa with bees.

Having left with nothing to fight with, Okoli dressed up in his royal robe, sat on his royal throne and put himself down after drinking from a royal cup, and kept his word. But before the British could arrive Umuochu, Okoli Ijeoma was gone. He was buried in Umuochu in an underground castle still sitting on his throne. Umuochu was later united with Ndikelionwu during Ike Mbonu's regime.

"The land of the sun that never sets"